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In tech companies, Cost of Goods Sold is a key business metric driven in large part by the efficiency of software architectures. Saving money always ...
How Our Frontend Teams Use CI/CD to Deliver Value to Customers
It was back in 2011 when then-HubSpotter Yoav Shapira wrote a blog post to celebrate an important milestone: more than 1,000 releases of our ...
Continuous Delivery at HubSpot: a Homegrown Platform that Delivers Features, Fast
The other night, I was out having dinner with a former colleague of mine. We were catching up and trading war stories, and naturally my new role at ...
Workplace Courage: Fostering Bravery in Tech
Interested in understanding how courage can cultivate a safe workplace (fostering inclusion) and the steps you can take to support others' growth and ...
Black History Month: From Ajegunle to Dublin, My Journey to Senior Software Engineer at HubSpot
No one expects so much from a kid born and raised in Ajegunle, at least that’s how I understood things as a kid growing up in a ghetto. I was lucky ...
How I Got Into Tech: Software Engineer Nick Werner
On our careers site, we encourage candidates to tell imposter syndrome to take the day off — in other words, don't let a confidence gap, or a lack of ...