Last week we rolled out a new public HubSpot API, the Blog API, in beta form.
This API, as its name suggests, provides you with access to your blogs hosted on the HubSpot product, and related data such as blog posts, blog comments, and blog analytics.
For the impatient, here is a quick link to the Blog API docs. Go build something ;)
This is the second public API we've launched here at HubSpot, and we definitely incorporated some lessons learned from the first one, the Leads API. Hopefully you will find this API easier to use than the Leads API, and by the way, we're building a v2 of the Leads API as well.
One nice thing about this API is that it can use a standard format, AtomPub, to exchange its information. The AtomPub spec is reasonable, and once we saw that Google (Blogger), WordPress, MoveableType, and others were using this interchange format, we implemented it as well.
The API, like the Leads API, is REST-style in spirit. It's not perfect, and this initial version does not support all the verbs or operations we'd like, but it's a good start and we'll add more in v2 of the API later on.
The full blog API documentation is public, and the discussion group is where we hang out, answer questions, etc.
We hope to see some cool and useful applications built on this API, such as a tool to import blogs from WordPress or other providers to HubSpot, a tool to export HubSpot blog data to another location, mobile apps (iPhone, Android, etc.) to draft blog posts and get blog data, and more.