Last month a bunch of us HubSpotters went next door to MIT to listen to Eric Ries talk about his Lean Startup framework. The talk was organized by Tom Summitt of Genotrope, another local startup like HubSpot -- thanks, Tom!
For those of you not familiar with Eric Ries, please stop reading this blog. Go read his blog, Startup Lessons Learned, instead. Really. I'm not joking. You'll do yourself a favor, and be happy for it.
Eric helped found IMVU and some other companies, has a bunch of operating experience, and also serves as an advisor to some startups. He is a gifted writer, and as I found out, a gifted speaker as well.
He has so much valuable stuff to say about startups, growing companies, improving the product, running experiments, and using validated learning about customers to move forward. It's impossible to summarize. In fact, I think he's writing a book to collect the thoughts from his blog.
In case you thought I was joking, I really mean it: go read his blog.
With Eric's permission, we video-taped his talk at MIT. The resolution is not great, since we were a bit far away with the camera. I apologize about that. Nonetheless, we hope you enjoy.
Thanks to @KarenRubin and @Abdinoor for taping the talk, and to @DanMil for organizing the whole thing. And of course, thanks to @EricRies for sharing his thoughts, experiences, and approach with all of us.
First half:
Second half: