Earlier today, we open-sourced all of the social media & Twitter app data collected and curated by oneforty, the great local startup HubSpot acquired a few months ago.  This means the data is fully available for the public to use and enjoy.

In addition to the data itself, there is technical documentation as to its format, tools to import it into other systems, and human-friendly instructions for working with this data in Microsoft Excel.  

Get it on GitHub: https://github.com/HubSpot/oneforty-data (http://bit.ly/onefortydata)


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Like most software companies these days, HubSpot relies on a variety of open-source tools, and we generally try to continue any patches or fixes back to the open-source projects we use.  We also have a number of engineers working here who are committers or contributors to a variety of projects.

Today we took the next step, by open-sourcing the data itself, which was one of the main and most valuable oneforty artefacts.  The data is licensed under the Creative Commons License, and you are free to use it in numerous ways.  We just ask for a small attribution, please.

It looks like at least one company, SocDir (@socdir on Twitter), is planning to use this data in interesting ways.

If you are curious about Twitter applications, watch SocDir and/or have fun working with this data yourself.  We're not sure yet how much time we'll spend maintaining it ourselves, but patches (GitHub pull requests) will likely be very welcome.


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