We're excited to announce the release of a brand new APIs on the HubSpot Platform: Prospects API.  This API joins the 5 marketing APIs that are already in the HubSpot ecosystem.

Prospects API enables developers to access HubSpot customer website traffic data and a variety of data associated with that traffic, including company information, number of visitors and page views, as well as geographic data including city, region, country and latitude and longitude data. All of this data is really useful, especially for integrations and external apps that want to take advantage of traffic data like this. 

The new Prospects API also integrates with lead data, so as an API user, you can see if a particular company has actually had leads convert through HubSpot as well.  Through the leads API, you can look up these folks by searching for the company they are from.

The API also has a search feature that will let you search for prospects by their geographic location (city, region, or country). As a bonus, there's also a typeahead feature that let's you only specify some of a company name in order to get back what you're looking for. Very useful for anyone trying to create and app that can search for prospects, map them, etc...

To see some sample output from the API, check out this URL: 



Here's some sample output:

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