A lot of people always ask us how we found out about HubSpot when it was a tiny, unknown startup.  We're still fairly small and that well-known, but this question keeps rising in frequency.

Many of us found HubSpot through friends or through professional networking.  There are HubSpotters at many Boston-area startup-oriented events.

Don Dodge compiled an excellent list of these events.  Check it out on his blog at http://dondodge.typepad.com/the_next_big_thing/2009/10/boston-startup-events-resources-people-you-need-to-know.html .

Don is too humble to mention himself as a nice guy and a great connector.  If you see him, say hi ;)  He will always be happy to listen and possibly help you out.

The other person I'd mention as a connector in this list is our co-founder, Dharmesh Shah.  He, too, is too humble to mention himself in any kind of list like this, so we have to do it for him.

If you're looking to find a hot startup in Boston, join one, form one, or just network with other entrepreneurs, this is a great way.  Maybe the best way.

Are there any events you like that are missing from this list?  The only one that came to my mind was the occasional co-working sessions and parties at BetaHouse

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