We like to release early and often.  Start with a minimally-viable product (MVP), get feedback on it, and improve it rapidly.  

Yesterday I put up a short blog post on how we're using the Google Plus "Hangout" feature to have a daily Scrum standup with remote team members.  Today I want to post three more fun pictures, showing multiple remote attendees, and the fun we can have when we project the Hangout onto one of our IdeaPaint walls.

First, this is @ojrac painting a face on the IdeaPaint wall, where @skastel is currently delivering his standup:

Owen painting a face

Next, we have @skastel stopping for a coffee break, while Parker waits patiently...

Stephen's drinking coffee

Finally, note that standup is not just for humans.  Tena, one of our developer's dogs, joined today's standup as well.  She's on the small screen in the middle.  Sorry for not getting her on the main screen.  On the plus side, you get a bonus shot of "The Real" Ben Smith.

Tena the dog in our standup



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