Blog - HubSpot Product Team

Zack Bloom is a HubSpotter

Written by Elizabeth Dunn (She/Her) | Apr 5, 2012

Name: Zach Bloom
Role: Developer at HubSpot
Superpower: Beginner's Luck

Zack Bloom has joined the HubSpot Product Team, and man are we glad he did. We were starving for some good barbeque.

When he's not slaving over a hot, sauce-slathered firepit, Zack's busy working on the HubSpot Contacts UI. He's also doing some pretty slick work on extending the usefulness of dynamic lists, which we think is pretty swell of him, too.

The delightful Mr. Bloom comes to HubSpot by way of West Bloomfield, Michigan, where he was born and raised to be the fine, upstanding gent he is today. 

He was, as far as we can tell, uncommonly diligent in his studies at Lawrence Technological University, which doesn't sound nearly as impressive until you remember that that's where the guy who designed the DeLorean also went to school.

So that's awesome.

When he's not wonking away at a keyboard with his HubSpot buddies, he's pursuing his love of charcuterie and the aforementioned barbeque, which we'll admit makes him pretty damn popular among the carnivorous crowd. He also plays the drums, when drumming is what's called for.

Follow Zack on Twitter, check out his pics on smugmug, or go bug him to post more cool stuff on his blog.

Welcome to HubSpot, Zack!