Blog - HubSpot Product Team

3 Interesting Marketing Product and App Ideas

Written by Adrian Mott | Mar 27, 2012

I've spent some time this week going over some of the awesome ideas that HubSpot users throw our way on our UserVoice collaboration website  I must say, I've been very impressed with the level of thought and detail that has gone into the ideas that are popular on the site.  Our customers rock.

In fact, some of the most interesting ideas I found closer to the bottom of the list.  I'm not sure that these ideas are  not more popular because they're not quality, I just think people don't see them because UserVoice has pagination in its user interface and these ideas get lost much like search results on page 2 and 3 get lost.  It's something to think about - is pagination broken?  Oh well, that's another post entirely...

My point for writing this post was to surface some of the ideas that I found in the depths of the ideas bucket. There are seemingly lots of opportunities for developers who are interested in creating a marketing app of any sort to pick one of these up and run with it.  Remember, HubSpot marketing apps cover a VERY wide range of subjects, like lead generation, social media (yep, it's marketing!), analytics, SEO, blogging, etc... the list goes on.

  • Provide video analytics within HubSpot - This idea was originally written to integrate Vimeo Pro with HubSpot, but I think it can go further.  Professional marketers are constantly trying to make forays into the video space, and much of the time it's very difficult to measure the results from a video that is produced.  The leading video hosting providers (YouTube, Vimeo, Brightcove, Wistia, etc...) have excellent APIs that provide analytical information that marketers everywhere are after.  An app like this on HubSpot would be an excellent difference maker.

  • Show Leads that have Blog Comments - This connection is an excellent example of a way to connect one's blog with leads that are converting.  A small analytical app like this one would go a long way in letting marketers know who to target with middle of the funnel techniques like lead nurturing, and who is already converted as a lead.  Also, this app could be relatively easy to implement, using the HubSpot Blog and Leads APIs.

  • Create an E-book builder app - This idea actually comes from someone on our marketing team, and is too good an idea to pass up offering here.  Ebooks are one of HubSpot's most successful lead generation mechanisms.  Yet they are not quick to build and our customers are intimidated by the thought of creating ebooks. So this idea has everything to do with making that process easier. There is a tool like this for Wordpress, I'd love to see something similar on HubSpot.