Hi everyone! I'm Yves, a Product Designer on the AI team. AI is moving quickly, and my designs and prototypes need to as well. Prototyping is a powerful tool that helps communicate a user interaction, design concept, or longer-term vision. It can feel time-consuming but I made a guide about ways I cut down Figma time and get high-quality designs in front of people faster.
This guide isn’t a Figma 101 overview, so the basics and foundations of Figma will not be covered. Instead, it contains tips and tricks (and lots of shortcuts) that I find important for increasing your design and prototyping speed.
This also isn’t an official write-up and as with any guide, this can quickly become out of date as Figma updates. Last update: November 2024.
I’ll be reviewing two sections: Design and Prototype
1. You can toggle between Design and Prototype using ⇧E
Local components are important because they allow you to update all your instances from one place. I like to create a separate page for them.
After you create your local component make sure it’s used throughout your design. When you want to customize the instances of your local component (or any component), you can mass update properties or copy using the Select Matching Layers feature or Multi-Edit Text feature.
1. Select matching layers: Selects similar layers in other artboards. Applies changes to all.
2. Multi-edit text: Selects the text within the similar layers in other artboards. Applies changes to all.
You have 50 screens with tabbed navigation, and you want to change the “State” property from “Idle” to “Default” and the tab name from “Default” to “Gine”. You click into layers so that tab component is selected and press ⌥⌘A. You see all the same components selected and you change the state using properties dropdown in the right panel. You do it once and it reflects everywhere. You then click into the layers so the text layer is selected, press ⌥⌘A and then ENTER. Again, you see all the components selected and when you update the copy in one area it updates everywhere.
Being able to use some of Figmas powerful features like Select Matching Layers or Smart Animate requires consistent naming. Get in the habit of naming your layers and components the first time, so it carries through the rest of the design.
I use Auto Layout for almost everything. It creates responsive designs that grow to fill, shrink to fit, and reflow contents. You can rely on it for consistent resizing and padding rules. In the same layout container there’s a Clip Content option. This feature is important because it helps you achieve scrolling interactions.
1. Clip content: When you want contents to scroll within a container, make sure clip content is checked. By enabling "clip content," any part of an element that falls outside the bounds of the frame will be hidden.
2. Auto layout: Automatically aligns contents and creates consistent padding and margin rules. Get to know the auto layout features such as Resizing, Direction + Gap, Alignment and Padding
Here are handy shortcuts and examples of how to use them
I want to add my new AIButton component directly where my existing UIButton component is. I Copy the AIButton with ⌘C, select the UIButton and Paste to Replace with ⇧⌘R
I want to see if a popup is the correct UX pattern for my design. I create a Rectangle by press R, then Text by pressing T, and then add in a UIButton. I Group them with ⇧G. I press ⇧R to Rename the group to “popup modal”. I then want to move it to the center of my screen. I Align Horizontal Centers with ⌥H and Align Vertical Centers with ⌥V. I like how it looks and want to design my popup further I Ungroup it with ⌘⇧G to continue designing.
I want to create a slideout form for users. I add in Text by pressing T, add a few UITextInputs, and a UIButton. I can make sure the vertical space between the elements is equal with Distribute Verical Spacing or pressing ⌃⌥V. Instead, I select all the elements and apply Auto Layout with ⇧A and make sure the Gap is 16 and the Padding is 16. I make sure the Clip Content checkbox is checked. I press ⇧R to Rename the new frame to “slideout”. I want to move one of my UITextInputs to the top of list, so I select it and Move to Front using ⌘].
In addition to all the shortcuts listed so far, here are more design shortcuts I use:
Variables should have their own tutorial (read Figmas overview here), and utilizing them will have you designing and prototyping faster. For now, here is where they’re located and how to apply them. You can find Local Variables on the empty state of your canvas, or by clicking on the canvas itself (so de-select any artboards or components). You can apply Local Variables from the appearance panel using the Apply Variable Mode button.
1. Local variables: Variables are raw values—like color, numbers, and strings—that can change in value depending on the context of a design.
2. Apply variable mode: Apply variables and change properties to the layer selected
Prototyping consists of Interaction Noodles
And Interaction Details.
Taken from Figmas Advance Tutorial YouTube
When you’re done prototyping, you Preview with ⇧[SPACE]. When in Preview mode, you can Restart the flow by pressing R. Be sure to set Flow Starts to keep your prototypes organized.
There are a number of animation types and curves you can use. I give a quick overview below, however, default to this Custom Curve in Smart Animate I learned in a Figma prototyping tutorial. The Bezier is 0.8, 0, 0.2, 1.
Here are other curve types, which you can learn more from in this Figma blog post or this cheat sheet.
For me, it’s the little animations that make a big difference. A dashboard sliding in horizontally and vertically is definitely exciting, but having a button change state on hover is what makes the design feel alive. Don’t underestimate the power of the following
Popularly used for tooltips, or hovering over a CTA
Create a loading animation upon page load, inside a button, or skeleton loading
Have a notification appear or complete loading with a pulse animation
Move contents through your container, whether that’s a dashboard or a form
1. Position: Similar to coding, declare how the selected container should behave in relation to the artboard it’s in
2. Overflow: For contents that go past the view, what should it do?
Once you’ve got these tips and tricks down, push yourself to try advanced prototyping. This will programmatically create more complex relationships between your components. For example, when a checkbox is selected, update the counter by 1.
You can learn about that example + a handful of others in this Figma Learn